Para Tu Salud
Spanish Language Community Fair

Saturday, July 13th, 2024
Riverside Elementary
Emporia, KS
Únase a nosotros el sábado 13 de julio de 1:00 a 5:00 p. m. en la Escuela Primaria Riverside para una feria comunitaria. Representantes de organizaciones del área estarán disponibles con información sobre sus programas y servicios. También habrá exámenes de salud preventivos disponibles para los asistentes. La asistencia a la feria es gratuita. Habrá comida disponible en el sitio para su compra y se ofrecerán actividades para los niños.
Join us on Saturday, July 13th from 1:00 - 5:00 pm at the Riverside Elementary School for a Spanish language community fair. Representatives from area organizations will be on hand with information about their programs and services. There will also be preventative health screenings available for attendees. The fair is free to attend. Food will be available on-site for a purchase and activities will be provided for children.

1:00 pm
Para Tu Salud Community Fair Opens
Lunch available
5:00 pm
Para Tu Salud Community Fair Closes
* All activities located at the Anderson Building
Los proveedores presentadores se anunciarán a medida que nos acerquemos al evento.
Presenting vendors will be announced as we approach the event.

Exhibitor Information
We are excited to have your organization exhibit at the Para Tu Salud Community Fair. Cost to have a space is $25. Please read the following information carefully before registering a table for your organization:
Printed information MUST be translated into Spanish. A limited number of bilingual volunteers will be around to assist in conversations, but at the very least, your materials need to be translated into Spanish. Contact us if you need assistance translating materials.
You will receive one 6-foot table for free upon registering. It is your responsibility to provide table coverings, information, and any activities, prizes, giveaways, etc.
You may purchase 1 additional space (table) for $25.
Electricity is NOT available, sorry!
Exhibitors must commit to having at least 1 representative present at all times during the open fair times (1 - 5 pm).
Maps showing exhibitor locations will be provided after registration closes and at least one week prior to the event.
Set up will begin at 11:00 am the morning of the event. All booths must be set up and ready to go at 1:00 pm when the fair begins.
We will have a door prize giveaway for attendees. You are welcome, but not required, to provide a prize for this raffle in order to promote your business and support the event.
Registration will close at 11:59 pm on Sunday, July 7th, 2024.
Please scroll down to fill out the Exhibitor Registration. Upon completion of your registration, we will send you an invoice. Let us know if you have any questions!
Have questions?
We're happy to help! Get in touch with us using the information below, or reach out to us on our Contact page.
(620) 757-3264